Tuesday 7 June 2011

Variegated Aspidestra

We grow these plants in 200mm pots , they are a beautiful variegation , look like they are done with a brush ! ... good for a shaded spot or indoors !..

Thursday 2 June 2011

300 mm Rhapis Excelsa

 as well as our usual sizes we have a huge range of 300mm Rhapis in various sizes  ..ready now .. !http://www.shephardsindoorgardens.com.au/.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Aspidestra in 200 mm pots

We also have plenty of Aspidestra Elator in 200mm pots , also Varigated availbale , will post photo later ... Cast iron Plant is a common name and they are the toughest indoor plant you can buy , they do get red spider mite but if 'oiled' before going indoors is easily controlled ...http://www.shephardsindoorgardens.com.au/

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Rhapis palm seed

We have agood lot of pollinated seed maturing on our own stock plants , possibly 30,000 this year..
      should be ready to harvest in spring and will go straight into seed boxes and usualy take about nine weeks to germinate .  they are a lot of work but the advantage is we know ehat stock they are from and
 the only cost really is the labour ... i will post some seed photos shortly ... Russell

Monday 16 May 2011

Rhapis Palm

This Rhapis Palm is in a 400mm terrazzo pot at Uncle Nick's Place, was divided to years ago and has grown into a magnificent specimen.

Check out other Rhapis Palms at Shephards Indoor Gardens, Brisbane, Australia.

Click here to go to our website.